Success Stories

For as long as I can remember I always had an issue with my body and was deeply unhappy with what I saw in the mirror, I would look in the mirror and see a fat reflection. Now, I wear bright clothes, I am in love with colour! I am at peace with my body and embrace my curves that define me. 
P.s. I am much much much happier!

Rushana Ali


I was not very active, and I hadn’t been very active for the best part of 2 years following my spinal fractures in July 2016. It took a year to get myself back to a basic recovery and back to work; I had a decent amount of muscle prior to the accident but being in a brace for 3 months wasted my upper body. I had pains in my shoulder blades and neck pretty much daily. I wanted to get my fitness back and be involved in something fun and challenging.

I was mostly concerned about being inexperienced and not being fit enough. Before going to the taster, I did wonder about whether it would be a strict traditional dance teacher or a more laid back and casual one. 
It’s been great, very encouraging! The classes are fun and Becky is full of energy which really helps give me a boost if I’m feeling tired.
She’s kept a good track on what I’ve learnt and my achievements and is always very positive and motivating (the enthusiasm and celebration on even just a small achievement!) which obviously is extra encouraging. I also like Becky’s Facebook posts, videos and Facebook lives too.
Aside from learning new tricks and improving my strength and flexibility and all that super kool stuff, I think the biggest result I’ve felt is the reduction (to pretty much nothing) in the pain I get in my neck and shoulders. I’ve noticed on most days it’s not there, sometimes creeps back but pole has definitely seemed to help that.
I also loved that I noticed visible results and changes in my body in only a few weeks!
Jo Lord


  Before I start working with Becky the level of my confidence was very low, because during my pregnancy I put a lot of weight. I was struggling to lose that weight.
  When I start looking for a better way for me to work out I find out about the Pole Dancing Classes, but I wasn’t sure is that the right thing for me. I was thinking that this is to hard, that I am to heavy, that I won’t be able to do anything, but I decided to give myself a chance and to try something new. So I signed up for a taster class. At that day Becky showed me that I am capable to do it, so I decided to go for it and sign my membership.
  Working with Becky is so easy for me. She is funny and she I explaining everything in a way that makes everything to look so easy. She is always there willing to help and support you.
  Since I started Becky’s classes I feel stronger and fitter. My self esteem has risen and the most important is that I’m doing something that I really like and enjoy.
Katie Chuchuleva


I’d recently started a new office based job and was really struggling to fit in time to exercise. I tried going to the gym but I just didn’t enjoy it whatsoever! I knew I needed some kind of exercise in my life that would keep me motivated to go every week, enjoy myself and get fit!

When I first started pole, I was worried because I could see Becky and a few of the others had been going to pole for a few years that looked really good. Some of even the most basic moves were so hard for me and it took a lot of effort. I was worried I wouldn’t pick it up but after a while it all came together & before I knew it I was learning more complex techniques and going upside down on the pole!

It’s been more than just a pole dancing teacher, but someone who is genuinely interested in you and your health & most importantly having fun! You can ask to learn a certain move and Becky will work on particular areas of strength to build up so that you can nail it! She puts so much dedication into us I can’t imagine working with anyone else.

The best result is that I am now feeling so much more confident and fit! I go every single week and it’s the part of my week I most enjoy!

Georgia Smith


Before we began working together, I had just come out of CBT due to panic attacks and generalised anxiety. I had low self-esteem and was currently not exercising or participating in any sports or clubs.

Becky was so welcoming and despite how nervous I was in my first session (and having a panic attack) Becky was supportive and understanding. I wasn’t worried at all about society’s perceptions of pole fitness because Becky showed me what an art form it can be as well as a way to keep fit.

Each week has helped me become more confident as a person and to feel comfortable taking risks. I look forward to pole class and challenging myself in whatever form the class takes. I have definitely become more body confident as well as becoming stronger and more resilient. I used to be scared of taking risks and did not have much resolve to push myself in fear of getting hurt, but now I can do things I didn’t ever imagine that I could do.

Becky and her pole dance classes have really made a big, positive impact on my life!

Amy O’Flaherty-Golding


Before I started pole I never did any form of exercise, unless partying on the weekends count?! I knew it would be hard work as it still is and I’ve been really enjoying it.

My upper body strength has improved a lot!

Patrice Rowe


I had done pole before but not loads and was desperate to get back into it. Before starting with Becky, all my enquiries were answered in a really friendly way and I felt very welcome in the taster session. It has been very fun, every class has a different element and works on new aspects every time. My biggest benefit is my confidence, as Becky is very encouraging and has helped me achieve new things in pole that I could never do before!

Becky Carpenter


Since moving to London three years ago, I’ve lived in my own bubble of what and who I’ve always known. I wanted to meet new people and also challenge myself in a completely new environment. I wanted to get stronger but also have a lot of fun. 
I did have reservations about starting Pole Classes. I was worried that I would be surrounded by complete experts who had been for years and no room for a beginner like me. How wrong was I! I love both the beginners and mixed ability classes. From the minute Becky replied to my nervous message asking to join, I knew she was the teacher for me and I had absolutely no reservations about working with her. She is so friendly and welcoming. Even when a move doesn’t click or I just don’t get it that week, the support for each other and particularly from Becky is brilliant and I know that I’ll get there eventually, whether it’s the week after or a few months down the line. 
I’ve loved every minute of working with Becky. The classes are the perfect balance for me – they are professional and you learn so much each week, but at the same time they are friendly, accommodating to everyone, and we have a real giggle. I feel like I’m learning a skill within a real pole family, and it’s Becky who has created that atmosphere. Becky knows when to push me out of my comfort zone and challenge me, and is just the biggest cheerleader when you nail a move and when it just doesn’t work that week. I am a huge fan of the online Facebook group we have for the Pole family, and Becky’s posts about confidence, happiness and mental health. It’s not a case of sign up to a class, attend and go home until the next time. It’s a real community built to empower each other, and to improve our physical and mental well being. It’s made my whole pole experience a million times over, and there aren’t enough Becky’s in the world spreading positivity and happiness!
I never thought in a million years I’d feel comfortable in my own skin at a class, let alone learning a completely new skill in front of other people. Being able to practice choreo in front of others and talking myself into trying inverts or whatever the move is that week, it gets easier and easier each week. It’s had such a knock on effect in how I am in my career, meeting new people… there has definitely been a transformation in me that my family and friends have noticed. And that in turn makes me happy. I’ve gained a new skill and a new hobby, where I can have fun and switch off from the 9-5 buzz. The classes are the highlight of my week and I can’t wait to see where I’m at in a year’s time!
Shannon Holland-Houghton

North Woolwich

Before I started pole, I just lacked activity and fitness. At the taster, I thought I wasn’t going to be any good, and I would look very unfit in comparison to other people. But it’s been wonderful. Becky made me feel better about not being so good at times, and she made me believe that I can do it, it just takes time.

I joined the Gold Flexy Membership and since going to a few classes, I’ve been upside down on the pole… that was my only goal coming in!

Reshay Melville

Manor Park

Before we started working together I had been doing pole once a week for about 2 years. I had to take a massive break due to health and moving around. I really needed to find somewhere I could get back into my fitness.

My whole pole experience was a very structured one with levels and qualifications so I was worried moving into such a free pole environment.

Despite my continuous health concerns Becky has kept me motivated to continue with pole and to work around me. Learning with Becky has helped me embrace so many different aspects of pole and not just static tricks. I was always so scared of choreography and trying stuff out my comfort zone but Becky has pushed me to do it and enjoy it!

I have got so much stronger working with Becky, not just physically but mentally too. Her classes are so fun and uplifting and I always leave with a smile on my face. There are too many positives than just one to mention! Making me confident that I can do something but still making sure I’m doing it properly. Giving me confidence in myself and my body and not to feel embarrassed doing choreo.
And most of all not only do I now have a great pole teacher, I feel like I have a friend. Supporting me outside of pole as much as during the classes.

Jazmin Sexton


I had done pole fitness before, but stopped at the end of 2015. After trying a gym membership and finding it didn’t work for me, I decided to take up dancing again. It has been a very enjoyable experience – classes are relaxed with no pressure and a friendly atmosphere, but proceed at a fast enough pace so that it doesn’t feel repetitive.

The one best result is definitely getting my strength back, and remembering all the tricks I thought I’d forgotten!

Catherine Gleave


I saw the poster about pole dancing and I said to myself ” That sounds something I would like to try”  I did had some reservations at the beginning as I was new to the area and did not know anyone that is why I was concerned if I would get along with the teacher. From the first day working with Becka I felt like home. She has a very positive attitude, very kind and understanding soul. She can push your limits and your comfortable zone just to prove that you can do anything. I did the 4 week course and I noticed dramatic change, things that were hard in the beginning felt effortless on the 3 week of the course. I would recommend working with Becka as I know you would have a great experience!

Tanya Hadjieva


I knew pole dance from a course I took back in Slovakia a couple years ago. It was just 8 lessons so I still classed myself as a beginner when I met Becky. I was scared how my pole dance skills will be after these years and how it works in new studio abroad and with new people. Everything turned out to be great and Becky is perfect and super friendly! Becky is really professional and always know how to help and support you. There is a variety of the lessons – either we do fitness, learn new choreography or bit of both. What I like the most is that she explains each position into details and give you different options of how to do that depending on your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced…)

I leave every single lesson full of energy and enthusiasm no matter what mood I came in. It brightens my days and I improved my skills on pole. I recommend this to everybody!

Nikola Hoffman

Canning Town

I wanted to strengthen my body, get flexibility and learn more feminine moves. Becky has an outstanding appearance and professional approach. Always very positive and driven forward. I enjoy the dancing most with implemented pole elements and nice feminine moves which makes the whole training flourish and so special/different to anything else. Some of the elements need time and more technique explanation, but once Becky explains steps or how to get to the pose it is far easier to understand.

The one best result I have got is strength and more feminine moves. I love dancing, which Becky inspired me to do at home.

Paulina May


I wanted to try something new that was going to help with my flexibility and strength. I wanted to push myself. I saw improvements and results very quickly.

The biggest benefit of Becky’s Pole Dance classes so far is that my strength has increased.

Rhian Nelson

South Woodford

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