Personal Pole

Where you are at right now:

I have been curious about pole, and really want to get stronger, fitter and more confident but I don’t think a group class is right for me.

I have been doing pole a while, and would like some one on one time to take my pole training to the next level.

The problems you are having right now:

I want to do group classes but I’ve never done it before and I don’t have the confidence to join a group class.

I love pole and want to learn specific tricks that are right for me and my body complimenting my strength and flexibility. I am working on a routine and am struggling to put it all together.

What you need help with right now:

You want to benefit from 1-2-1 personal attention with a tailored session all about you. Together we focus on your goals, your journey and spending quality time dramatically improving your pole skills and confidence.

You need someone to really work closely with you to help you one step at a time, with tailored exercises, tricks and routines that are best for you and your goals, whatever level you are at.

You need help with your technique and want to get the basics right before moving on to a group class.

We can also do this with a friend for a fun duo session.

How Can Personal Pole Help You?

You are not alone anymore, these hour long private sessions will give you access to all the support you need to achieve your goals. You will get taught personalised exercises and receive a lot of hands-on corrections and advice from Becky. We will agree your goals (short and long-term) and help you track them against progress made during and outside the sessions. You will get bite-sized, personalised exercise plans to do at home so that your progress is faster and more efficient without it taking over your life.

It includes:

  • Weekly or twice-weekly private personal pole sessions with Becky
  • Personalised exercise plans to do at home.
  • Practical advice about how to achieve your goals.
  • Progress tracking based on pre-agreed performance indicators.

Want to find out more?

Email Becky at to chat through any questions you have and to take the next steps!

Here’s what our clients say about us

Before we started working together I had been doing pole once a week for about 2 years. I had to take a massive break due to health and moving around.  I really needed to find somewhere I could get back into my fitness, and something just for me.

Despite my continuous health concerns Becky has kept me motivated to continue with pole and to work around me. Learning with Becky has helped me embrace so many different aspects of pole and not just static tricks.

I have got so much stronger working with Becky, not just physically but mentally too. Her classes are so fun and uplifting and I always leave with a smile on my face. There are too many positives than just one to mention! Making me confident that I can do something but still making sure I’m doing it properly. Giving me confidence in myself and my body and not to feel embarrassed doing choreo.

And most of all not only do I now have a great pole teacher, I feel like I have a friend. Supporting me outside of pole as much as during the classes.

Jazmin Sexton


I’d recently started a new office based job and was really struggling to fit in time to exercise. I tried going to the gym but I just didn’t enjoy it whatsoever! I knew I needed some kind of exercise in my life that would keep me motivated to go every week, enjoy myself and get fit!

When I first started pole, I was worried because I could see Becky and a few of the others had been going to pole for a few years that looked really good. Some of even the most basic moves were so hard for me and it took a lot of effort. I was worried I wouldn’t pick it up but after a while it all came together & before I knew it I was learning more complex techniques and going upside down on the pole!

It’s been more than just a pole dancing teacher, but someone who is genuinely interested in you and your health & most importantly having fun! You can ask to learn a certain move and Becky will work on particular areas of strength to build up so that you can nail it! She puts so much dedication into us I can’t imagine working with anyone else.

The best result is that I am now feeling so much more confident and fit! I go every single week and it’s the part of my week I most enjoy!


For as long as I can remember I always had an issue with my body and was deeply unhappy with what I saw in the mirror, I would look in the mirror and see a fat reflection. Now, I wear bright clothes, I am in love with colour! I am at peace with my body and embrace my curves that define me. 
P.s. I am much much much happier!

Rushana Ali


Tempted with a group-class taster?

If you’re toying between whether to go for a group class session or a 1-2-1 session, why not come along to a free taster class? See what it’s all about. And help you make an informed decision as to what’s best for you. To join a pole taster session, you simply pick a date and time that suits you: