2 Simple Tips To Help You Win With Hydration

by | Sep 18, 2019

I’m going back to basics!

I challenge you to join me in drinking more water everyday. This daily micro-action not only ups our hydration, but will have us feeling calmer and more in control of our wellness and of our lives.


Now I know you know to drink plenty of water… But it isn’t always easy to do when we’ve got a million other things going on all around us.

So I’ve got 2 simple tips that can help you have this mini-challenge go swimmingly.

The first tip is to have a glass of water as soon as you wake up. (Ok so I go for a pee first and then I’ll have a glass of water). Most days I have a medium sized glass (see vid for actual size if you’re interested). And on other days when I’m really thirsty I’ll have a pint.

I feel so good by starting my day with a glass of water. Mainly because my body is really thirsty, having not had any water for the last 7 or so hours (hopefully a good night’s sleep!). But it also makes me feel good because it’s an act of self-care. A way to look after me. Put my wellness as a priority. This small action, is a tick in my wellness box. Leaving me feeling accomplished, healthy and ready to start my day!


The second tip – a love this one – is this formula…

Your weight divided by 30 = the number of litres of water your body needs as a minimum everyday.

For me, I’m about 57kg divide that by 30 = 1.9 litres.

By having a number makes me feel like I have my own personal target. Some days I measure out the 1.9 litres and keep the water in the fridge so I know the definite amount I need to drink. And it really doesn’t feel like a lot when you see it in front you.

P.S Extra mini-tip … I like to use a metal or curly straw to make it more fun. I use it to encourage my nephew or niece to drink more – works for me too!